Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  48 Ori  ·  48 sig Ori  ·  50 Ori)  ·  50 zet Ori  ·  Alnitak  ·  B33  ·  Flame Nebula  ·  HD290600  ·  HD290602  ·  HD290603  ·  HD290604  ·  HD290605  ·  HD290607  ·  HD290618  ·  HD290619  ·  HD290673  ·  HD290674  ·  HD290675  ·  HD290676  ·  HD290677  ·  HD290678  ·  HD290679  ·  HD290680  ·  HD290682  ·  HD290683  ·  HD290686  ·  HD290687  ·  HD290690  ·  HD290691  ·  HD290692  ·  And 201 more.
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith

Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO)

Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith

Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO)



Acquisition details



This is my late-2024 take on the Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a fairly wide view from my 530mm f/5 refractor. This view, taken over ten different nights in November & December 2024, is a pretty wide shot, with 36 hours of data.

It's a single-panel image, all unguided exposures

Per-filter totals for this image:
  • Sii   :  11.00 hours (66 subs)
  • Ha    :   8.83 hours (53 subs)
  • Oiii  :   5.83 hours (35 subs)
  • Red   :   3.67 hours (44 subs)
  • Green :   3.42 hours (41 subs)
  • Blue  :   3.33 hours (40 subs)
  • total :  36.08 hours (279 subs)

All processing was done in PixInsight, using several plugins and scripts. You can see these details are copied from the writeup on my blog

RGB filters
The processing included (see the processing icons [here](https://github.com/jamiesmith/pixinsight-icons)):
  • RGB combination via ChannelCombination
  • Auto Linear Fit
  • GradientCorrection
  • SPCC, set up for my astrodon RGB filters and PhotonFlux
  • BlurX Full
  • NoiseX
  • StarX
  • Stretched the stars via SetiAstro's "Star Stretch" ()
  • GHS and a bit of curves to stretch the starless

Narrowband Filters
I performed these steps on the individual Ha, Oiii, and Sii master images:
  • BlurX
  • GradientCorrection
  • NoiseX
  • StarX (I didn't use the stars from these)
  • GHS and a bit of curves to stretch each starless image

  • At this point I had 5 stretched (AKA "non-linear") images to combine:
  • RGB Starless
  • RGB Stars
  • Sii Starless
  • Ha Starless
  • Oiii Starless

Using the "CombineRGBAndNarrowband" script, I added HOO to the RGB starless image, 
then folded the Sii into that combined image as red via the ImageBlend script.

Finally, I used a PixelMath script to sprinkle the RGB stars back in.



  • Final
    Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith
  • Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith


Title: Starless Version

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Horsehead and Flame Nebulas in a wider format (RGB + SHO), Jamie Smith