Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD194007  ·  HD194220  ·  HD194260  ·  HD194708  ·  HD195033  ·  HD195089  ·  HD195100  ·  HD229145  ·  HD229170  ·  HD229188  ·  HD229204  ·  HD229236  ·  HD229255  ·  HD229265  ·  HD229279  ·  HD229288  ·  HD229294  ·  HD229297  ·  LBN 268  ·  LBN 270  ·  LBN 273  ·  LBN 274  ·  LBN 279  ·  LBN 280  ·  LBN 281  ·  LBN 292  ·  LDN 897  ·  LDN 899  ·  LDN 900  ·  NGC 6914  ·  And 2 more.
NGC 6914,  vdB 132 and vdB 131 in Cygnus, Helge Büsing
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NGC 6914, vdB 132 and vdB 131 in Cygnus

NGC 6914,  vdB 132 and vdB 131 in Cygnus, Helge Büsing
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NGC 6914, vdB 132 and vdB 131 in Cygnus



Acquisition details



NGC 6914 is the blue reflection nebula at the top, vdB 132 is the middle, and the lower of the three reflection nebulae is vdB 131.
