Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)  ·  Contains:  IC 1537  ·  NGC 55
NGC 55, Patrick Winkler
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NGC 55

NGC 55, Patrick Winkler
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NGC 55



Acquisition details



NGC 55 is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. Together with NGC 300, it is one of the closest galaxies to Earth (around 6.5 - 7 million light years away). What I found very exciting about this galaxy (there are scientific articles on this, e.g. L. Magrini, D. R. Goncalves & B. Vajgel: NGC 55: a disc galaxy with flat abundance gradients) is the pronounced and beautifully visible Ha distribution due to the almost edge-on position (see the attach. starless Ha image). As I am not a scientist it was just interesting to do some research... I hope I managed to get a natural look but also to show the Ha regions to some extent.

Ha-Blur scaledSL.jpg


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 55, Patrick Winkler