Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  HD290862  ·  HD38563  ·  LBN 938  ·  LBN 939  ·  M 78  ·  NGC 2064  ·  NGC 2067  ·  NGC 2068  ·  NGC 2071  ·  VdB60

Image of the day 12/03/2024

    Casper the friendly ghost nebula, vikas chander
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    Casper the friendly ghost nebula

    Image of the day 12/03/2024

      Casper the friendly ghost nebula, vikas chander
      Powered byPixInsight

      Casper the friendly ghost nebula



      Acquisition details



      The constellation of Orion is very distinctive in the summer skies of the Southern Hemisphere and is a rich canvas of color from the many reflection, emission and dark nebulae which abound in the region. While the Messier 42 Orion nebula itself is one of the most imaged targets in the constellation, there are many other targets in the region and one of my favourites is Messier M78.  Carrying the nickname, Casper the friendly ghost nebula for reasons unknown to me, it is a reflection nebula which is the reason for the blues in the image. The blue color is basically light from nearby stars reflecting of dust in the region. The red emission from hydrogen adds the pinks and reds in the image. Quite a chaotic target if I may say so….


      Sky plot

      Sky plot


      Casper the friendly ghost nebula, vikas chander

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      Southern Hemisphere Astro