Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  31 Gem)  ·  Al Zirr (ξ Gem  ·  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  IC 447  ·  IC 448  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2239  ·  NGC 2246  ·  NGC 2264  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette B  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  The star 12 Mon  ·  The star 13 Mon  ·  The star 14 Mon  ·  The star 15 Mon  ·  The star 16 Mon  ·  The star 17 Mon  ·  The star 30 Gem  ·  The star 32 Gem  ·  The star Alzirr
Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen
Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen

Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless)

Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen
Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen

Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless)



Acquisition details



The Rosette nebula is a challenge to image and process because it has long been a favorite of astrophotographers and there are many examples of well captured and processed images of this iconic beauty.  I can only hope that this image does it justice. In a wide-field,  the stem, Cone, and Christmas Tree nebulas add to it's beauty and shows how it is all inter-connected.  As a bonus I was able to pull out some details of SNR G206.9+2.3.  I hope to get more O3 next year and improve on the SNR.    

This image almost didn't come to be, as I was using this object to debug a new ZWO AM5 mount and had a lot of guiding errors that were eventually debugged to a loose guidescope.  But at the end of that I was able to salvage the good exposures and process it into the image that you see today.  Captured mostly in Coastal San Diego (bortle 6/7) with some data salvaged from a darker site in the desert (bortle 3/4).

Initially this was processed in Pixinsight using Bill Blanshan's NB_Normalization process but for some reason I was unable to realize the full potential of the shadow detail (even when using the Ha channel for CIELab lightness).  So I ended up using the tool to get the rough color and then I created a synthetic Lum using the Ha data and then did a tried and true LRGB blend.   

The deemphasized stars were a challenge due to the short focal length/wide FOV yielding an image scale of ~5"/pixel.  The aperture blades of the Rokinon 135 also create spikes around bright stars.  So I put in a lot of effort to try and get more natural looking stars, with reasonable color and halos.  After trying a lot of suggestions online, I stumbled onto my own process that seems to work well. Unfortunately some of that gets lost in downscaling the image into something shareable here, but hopefully you like the result.  

Thanks for viewing this and taking the time to read this description.



  • Final
    Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen
    Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen


Title: Starless

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Greater Monoceros region - Rosette, Cone, Christmas tree nebulas, SNR G206.9+2.3, SHO with RGB Stars (and starless), Mark Petersen