Contains:  Solar system body or event
6" frac @ f/64, AR3784 2024/08/13 14:35 Utc, Ed Astle

6" frac @ f/64, AR3784 2024/08/13 14:35 Utc

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
6" frac @ f/64, AR3784 2024/08/13 14:35 Utc, Ed Astle

6" frac @ f/64, AR3784 2024/08/13 14:35 Utc

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Double stacked Lunt40 etalons on the back of my Skywatcher 150 f/8.

The features around this sunspot changed rapidly over the course of an hour.
This is the last image before the clouds and rain came in.

Captured 16-bit and binned x2 to improve frame rates / lucky imaging.
Bin2 on an IMX533 is about right for Ha anyway, but I'm no critical sampling expert.

First attempt at guiding on the sun using my Skywatcher 50mm guidescope + Baader AstroSolar film and an ASI 120MM Mini.
It needs fine tuning, but I'm liking not having to nudge up/down/left/right so often!



6" frac @ f/64, AR3784 2024/08/13 14:35 Utc, Ed Astle

In these collections

Skywatcher 150 Solar