Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2427
Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis, Martin Junius
Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis
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Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis

Revision title: Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis

Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis, Martin Junius
Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis
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Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis

Revision title: Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis



Acquisition details



IAS – Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. – Hakos Observatory, Namibia
IAS remote telescope “Dieter”

Data acquisition: IAS remote team / Martin Junius

Continuing the hunt for cometary globules, those strangely shaped dark clouds, mostly in the constellation of Puppis. This image shows CG3 and less prominent CG25 to the right, together with the spiral galaxy NGC 2427.



    Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis, Martin Junius
  • Final
    Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis, Martin Junius


Title: Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis

Description: Added missing IAS logo, slight correction left gradient

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Sky plot


Cometary Globules CG 3 and CG 25, Galaxy NGC 2427 in Puppis, Martin Junius

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Cometary Globules