Contains:  Solar system body or event
Jupiter with Europa, its shadow, the Oval BA and GRS in transit, Niall MacNeill

Jupiter with Europa, its shadow, the Oval BA and GRS in transit

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



I had very good conditions last night for this capture of Jupiter. A heavy fog rolled in which started to affect the captures and scuttled my plans for Saturn. That is unusual for me at 960m altitude. However, the fog was even heavier by 4am such that it was impossible to capture Mars.

In any case for this series, the seeing was excellent and I got really nice detail on Europa in front of the planet, having integrated the first RGB run when the seeing was best. Some subtle detail is visible on the moon's surface with the benefit of avoiding the diffraction ring at the limb. I applied some gamma to darken the limb which I think gives the planet a more natural look.

There is a bright linear feature in the STB between the Oval BA and GRS, although it does not appear to show in IR.



  • Final
    Jupiter with Europa, its shadow, the Oval BA and GRS in transit, Niall MacNeill
    Jupiter with Europa, its shadow, the Oval BA and GRS in transit, Niall MacNeill


Description: Europa detail, including the RGB components and the final colour integration, against the WinJUPOS graphic. Note this is south up.

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Jupiter with Europa, its shadow, the Oval BA and GRS in transit, Niall MacNeill