Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Vela (Vel)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2736  ·  PK266+00.1  ·  Pencil Nebula
The Pencil Nebula, Los_Calvos
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The Pencil Nebula

The Pencil Nebula, Los_Calvos
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The Pencil Nebula



Acquisition details



NGC 2736 – Pencil nebula

NGC 2736 is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Vela about 815 light-years from the Milky Way. It is the brightest part of the great remnant of Vela.The length of the Pencil Nebula is about 5 light-years and it is a part of the remnant of Vela.
This remnant is located near the Pulsar of Vela, pulsar from the supernova that gave birth to the remnant about 11,000 years ago. The luminosity of the remnant comes from dense regions of gas that collided with the supernova's shock wave. As the shock wave moves through space from right to left in the Hubble Space Telescope image, it compresses the gases by heating them. Initially, the gases are heated to millions of degrees, but then they cool down and emit light.
The colors of the regions of the nebula provide information about the cooling process. Some regions are still so hot that emissions are dominated by ionized oxygen atoms, which glow blue in the image. Other regions have cooled further and they are visible by emitting red in the image. These emissions come from colder hydrogen atoms. The color therefore indicates the temperature of the gas.
The processing was quite difficult because we decided to make an image using the 3 layers of the SHO and the 3 layers of the RGB and the gradients were difficult to manage.
Luminance is derived from Ha-OIII and Luminance data.
NarrowBand layers have been added in Photoshop to the RGB.



  • The Pencil Nebula, Los_Calvos
  • Final
    The Pencil Nebula, Los_Calvos


Title: The Pencil Nebula

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The Pencil Nebula, Los_Calvos