Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Canis Major (CMa)  ·  Contains:  12 CMa  ·  HD48203  ·  HD48204  ·  HD48239  ·  HD48315  ·  HD48354  ·  HD48375  ·  HD48376  ·  HD48377  ·  HD48422  ·  HD48423  ·  HD48459  ·  HD48521  ·  HD48538  ·  HD48539  ·  HD48702  ·  HD48793  ·  HD48813  ·  HD48851  ·  HD48852  ·  HD48873  ·  HD48924  ·  HD48965  ·  HD48982  ·  HD48983  ·  HD48984  ·  HD49000  ·  HD49022  ·  HD49023  ·  HD49025  ·  And 44 more.
The Little Beehive Cluster (M41) in RGB+HA, Antoine Grelin
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The Little Beehive Cluster (M41) in RGB+HA

The Little Beehive Cluster (M41) in RGB+HA, Antoine Grelin
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The Little Beehive Cluster (M41) in RGB+HA



Acquisition details



I decided to image M41 not just in broadband but also with an HA filter. As you can see, there is so much Hydrogen Alpha gas visible in the frame, both behind and around the cluster. It was nice seeing this appear after stacking the data as I spent 25 hours shooting what could have been just a few stars on an empty dark background.

More info: https://www.galactic-hunter.com/post/messier-41-astrophotography


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Little Beehive Cluster (M41) in RGB+HA, Antoine Grelin