Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  AE Aur  ·  Flaming Star Nebula  ·  HD34030  ·  IC 405  ·  LBN 791  ·  LBN 795  ·  LDN 1510  ·  Sh2-229
Flaming Star, George Chappel
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Flaming Star

Flaming Star, George Chappel
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Flaming Star



Acquisition details



The first of four targets I had hoped to image at my first star party (Eldorado Star Party 2021). I wanted to do a SHO image of Flaming Star, but unfortunately, we experienced a lot of clouds/rain during the week and my imaging plan had to change.  So I managed to only get a couple hours on this target before the clouds started rolling in.  With some Ha and even less OIII, I decided to make an HOO image...which of course turned out mostly red due to the strong Ha and very weak OIII signal.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Flaming Star, George Chappel