Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  34 del Ori  ·  46 eps Ori  ·  48 sig Ori  ·  50 zet Ori  ·  Alnilam  ·  Alnitak  ·  B33  ·  Flame Nebula  ·  Horsehead nebula  ·  IC 423  ·  IC 426  ·  IC 431  ·  IC 432  ·  IC 434  ·  IC 435  ·  Mintaka  ·  NGC 2023  ·  NGC 2024  ·  Orion  ·  Orion B  ·  PK204-16.1  ·  Part of the constellation Orion (Ori)  ·  Sh2-277  ·  The star Alnilam (εOri)  ·  The star Alnitak (ζOri)  ·  The star Mintaka (δOri)  ·  The star σOri  ·  VV Ori  ·  VdB48  ·  VdB51
Orion's Belt with H-alpha, Will Czaja
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Orion's Belt with H-alpha

Orion's Belt with H-alpha, Will Czaja
Powered byPixInsight

Orion's Belt with H-alpha



Acquisition details



This is Orion's Belt with H-alpha signal added.

The three bright stars from left to right are Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak. Mintaka is a double star whose stars orbit around each other every 6 days. Alnilam is a blue supergiant 375,000 times more luminous than our Sun. And Alnitak is a triple star system consisting of three extremely bright and hot blue stars. The largest of the triplet, Alnitak Aa, is 28 times more massive and has a diameter 20 times larger than our Sun.

The famous Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) can be seen to the right of Alnitak. It's a dark nebula of dust in the middle of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. This cloud complex is a huge star forming region that encompasses all of the Orion constellation, including the Orion Nebula located in the middle of Orion's sword.

Process details:

I combined about 7 hours of Ha data with 12 hours of RGB data in PixInsight. I then used StarNet++ to obtain a starless image and did a 50% blend with my RGBHa image in Photoshop. Final touches on color and HDR were adjusted in Photoshop.
