Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD204917  ·  HD205073  ·  HD205085  ·  HD205116  ·  HD205117  ·  HD205198  ·  HD205210  ·  HD205331  ·  LBN 416  ·  LDN 1006  ·  LDN 1009  ·  LDN 1012  ·  M 39  ·  NGC 7092
M39 Open Star Cluster, Mark Germani
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M39 Open Star Cluster

M39 Open Star Cluster, Mark Germani
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M39 Open Star Cluster



Acquisition details



While waiting for the >50% moon and astronomical twilight to pass, I decided to spend some time on a star cluster found near the area of sky I'm currently working on (Cygnus). I purposefully kept my exposures short to try and keep the stars from blowing out entirely, with the histogram about 1/5 from the bottom. I captured NGC 7082 as well, but opted not to include it in this crop, so as to focus on M39. Perhaps I'll load the full field as a revision, if anyone is curious.

M39 is one of the brightest and closest star clusters in the Messier catalogue (only Pleiades & Beehive are closer) and curiously enough contains only blue stars!
