Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  IC 4628
The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha, BO PENG(ISAAC)
The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha
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The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha

The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha, BO PENG(ISAAC)
The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha
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The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha



Acquisition details



I took 29 and 12 subframes of Ha channel on Oct 3 and 4. It has been very difficult to collect more data of Oiii and Sii channels due to the windy night and the getting bigger moon. Also, this target is falling down earlier day by day. Hopefully I can have some clear skies before it's gone this year.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Prawn Nebula (IC4628) in H-alpha, BO PENG(ISAAC)