Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192102  ·  HD192163  ·  HD192182  ·  HD192303  ·  HD192361  ·  HD228153  ·  HD228185  ·  HD228186  ·  HD228205  ·  HD228243  ·  HD228289  ·  HD228304  ·  HD228324  ·  HD228376  ·  LBN 203  ·  NGC 6888  ·  Sh2-105
A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson
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A Zoomable Crescent Nebula NGC6888 C27 SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula'

A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson
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A Zoomable Crescent Nebula NGC6888 C27 SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula'



Acquisition details



It is a bit ironic that in one of the worst summers for air quality in Southern Ontario I think I have collected my finest data set yet. I waited until I had a good amount of Ha and OIII data, and used 2x drizzle in WBPP to get a large file size. I was extremely careful in Pixinsight and Photoshop not to introduce noise in each step, and careful not to blow away details with noise reduction. I think the result is an image that is fun to look even at the highest zoom level.

I found that I had to step the OIII data back a bit in places to let some of the Ha details through in the final image. The blue shell would have overwhelmed these fine details otherwise.

The Crescent is an emission nebula about 5,000 light years away. It is formed by the fast stellar wind from the central Wolf-Rayet star (WR136 or HID 192163) colliding with its own slower moving stellar wind when the star was only a red giant some 300,000 years ago.

If you are interested, I have uploaded the Ha and OIII images as alternate versions.




  • A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson
  • A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson
  • A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson


Description: Ha only

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Description: OIII only

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Sky plot

Sky plot


A Zoomable Crescent Nebula  NGC6888  C27  SH2-105, now aka 'The Dog Nose Nebula', Bob Stevenson