Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)
NGC 3372, Herbert Walter
NGC 3372
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NGC 3372, Herbert Walter
NGC 3372
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Acquisition details



The Carina Nebula is located in the constellation Carina in the southern sky and is one of the most impressive emission nebulae in the entire sky. It appears to us in the sky with an apparent diameter of around 2°, which corresponds to 4 times the diameter of the full moon! This nebula complex is also the largest star-forming region in the galaxy. The distance measurements vary from 7500 to 10000 light years. The diameter is given as 200 to 300 light years.

However, this image only shows the center with a known dark nebula structure. The so-called keyhole nebula.

IAS Remote team / image aquisition: Martin Junius



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 3372, Herbert Walter