Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4340  ·  NGC 4350  ·  PGC 213984  ·  PGC 40267
NGC 4340 & NGC 4350, Gary Imm
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NGC 4340 & NGC 4350

NGC 4340 & NGC 4350, Gary Imm
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NGC 4340 & NGC 4350



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This object is a pair of galaxies located in the constellation of Coma Berenices at a declination of +17 degrees. Each galaxy spans approximately 2.5 arc-minutes in our apparent view, which corresponds to an actual diameter of 50,000 light years. These 2 galaxies are also known as Holmberg 391.

NGC 4340 is the 12th magnitude barred lenticular ring galaxy on the right, located about 60 million light years away. The axis of the bright oval core is perpendicular to the bar. Ansae are seen at each end of the bar. The bar is not straight across, which I find to be interesting.

NGC 4350 is the 11th magnitude edge-on galaxy on the left which is located about 65 million light years away. The central bright bulge does not appear spherical to me. It looks slightly oval, perpendicular to the major axis of the galaxy.

Although both galaxies are a similar distance away from us, current distance estimates indicate that they are likely about 5 million light years apart which is too far to be interacting with each other. No disturbance is evident in my image.
