Contains:  Solar system body or event
Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results, Eddie Bagwell
Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results, Eddie Bagwell

Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results, Eddie Bagwell
Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results, Eddie Bagwell

Zooming into a Solar Flare with a 5x plus Test Day Results

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Lunt 100

Just testing out a new accessory the Explore Scientific 1.25" 5x Focal Extender partnering up with the ZWO432 to get in a little tighter. The core of this Flare was so bright I had to drop the gain to keep from over-exposing the image.

Mouseover - Colorized version E

It was past time to chart all the settings with my two solar cameras for future sessions to quickly find focus and the best image settings. I swapped out the two cameras and the Barlows and ran tests on each. I use MONO8 and AVI format videos. Here are my results:

ZWO 432mm (1608x1104) + EAF
Barlow none - Blocking filter offset 0" - Focus 1000 - FPS 120 - Gain 0 - Exposure 5.71ms
Barlow 2x - Blocking Filter offset .5" - Focus 530 - FPS 120 - Gain 145 - Exposure 7.75
Barlow 3x - Blocking Filter offset .5" - Focus 1540 - FPS 120 - Gain 200 - Exposure 7.75
Barlow 5x - Blocking Filter offset .5" - Focus 3610 - FPS 120 - Gain 260 - Exposure 7.75

ZWO 462mm (1936x1096) + EAF
Barlow none - I could not achieve focus with this camera without a barlow
Barlow 2x - Blocking Filter offset 0" - Focus 3160 - FPS 64 - Gain 70 - Exposure 15.6
Barlow 3x - Blocking Filter offset 0" - Focus 4220 - FPS 64 - Gain 115 - Exposure 15.6
Barlow 5x - Blocking Filter offset 0" - Focus 6430 - FPS 64 - Gain 170 - Exposure 15.6

* Blocking Filter offset is the distance I pulled out the blocking filter from the focuser so the camera could achieve focus.
* These settings are for Double Stack Etalons. Single Etalon settings will be slightly different.
* Barlows 2x and 3x are Celestron X-Cel.

CS, Eddie
