Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD192731  ·  HD192868  ·  HD192911  ·  LBN 278
SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO, AstroDarkTeam
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SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO

SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO, AstroDarkTeam
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SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO



Acquisition details



Our 6th deep sky target, imaged from the remote observatory in Portugal by the AstroDarkTeam  composed of Pascal Gouraud and Stéphane Rolland.
We have been installed for 1 year now, no technical problems to report and already more than 550 hours of imaging!
Thanks again to the French Astro ARO team for the efficient and effective management of this superb site that hosts us.

The Propeller Nebula is part of a vast and rich region in Cygnus known as Cygnus X. This name “Cygnus-X” (not to be confused with “Cygnus-X1“) designates a huge cloud of molecular gas mainly composed of hydrogen, many areas of which are linked to the formation of new stars, which extends globally along the Deneb-Sadr-Eta Cygni axis in the Cygnus constellation.Located in the arm of Orion about 4500/5000 light-years away, this complex extends about 700 light-years long and would contain in total the equivalent of several million solar masses (its main component, sh2-109 , alone concentrates the equivalent of 100,000 solar masses).

The Propeller itself is most often designated as DWB 111 or SIMEIS 57.DWB and SIMEIS designations are not so commonly known. Here is little history :
The SIMEIS Catalog was created in the 1950s by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine. This catalog is focused on HII regions and documented 306 of them. The Propeller Nebula is item 57 in this catalog.
The DWB catalog was created in the 1960s by H. R. Dickel, H. Wendker, and J. H. Bieritz, and it cataloged the HII regions they were studying in the Cygnus X Complex. While DWB 111 is often used as the designation for the Propeller, it really only deals with the southern arm of the Propeller, while DWB 119 deals with the northern arm.

Technical Details :
340 images of 10 minutes of exposure, for a total of 56 hours and 30 minutes have been integrated between the August 19th and the September 04th with an excellent score from 14 consecutive nights of imaging !!  20 hours for HA, 18 hours for OIII and 18 hours for SII allows us to obtain this image which offering a wide palette of colors, contrast and details.TOA telescope 130mm in diameter, 1000mm focal length, Moonlite Nightcrawler 35 focuser/rotator
ASI2600MM monochrome camera cooled to -10 degrees, ZWO filter wheel with 36mm Chroma LRGB filters
Autoguiding optical splitter ZWO with Camera ASI290MM
EQ8-R MountSoftware Maxpilote,
The Sky X Pro, FocusMax V3, Astro pixel processor & Pixinsight processing.



  • SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO, AstroDarkTeam
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    SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO, AstroDarkTeam


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SIMEIS 57 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO, AstroDarkTeam

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