Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  HD258984  ·  HD259051  ·  HD259134  ·  HD259171  ·  HD46106  ·  HD46149  ·  HD46180  ·  HD46201  ·  HD46202  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2246  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette Nebula
The Creatures of NGC2244, Wolfgang Promper
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The Creatures of NGC2244

The Creatures of NGC2244, Wolfgang Promper
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The Creatures of NGC2244



Acquisition details



Here is a part of the Rosette that I was always fascinated with.
Data collection was kind of difficult as we are in the middle of the rain season in Namibia and I really had to hunt for the clear spots.
Total exposure time is pretty short for narrowband but I just didn´t get more, fortunately the seeing was quite good.
The image is a standard Hubble SHO palette with RGB stars.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Creatures of NGC2244, Wolfgang Promper