Messier 22 (NGC 6656), Giuseppe Donatiello

Messier 22 (NGC 6656)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Messier 22 (NGC 6656), Giuseppe Donatiello

Messier 22 (NGC 6656)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details




Credit: Giuseppe Donatiello

@ ED 127 f/9 + IRCam V4, 3600x5 sec

This image is a work extension of this one obtained in NIR in 2014:

J2000 RA 18h 36m 23.94s Dec –23° 54′ 17.1″

Messier 22 (NGC 6656) is an elliptical globular cluster in Sagittarius, near the Galactic bulge region. It is one of the brightest globulars visible in the night sky and one of the nearer at a distance of about 10,600 light-years. It spans 32' on the sky which translates to a spatial real diameter of 99 ± 9 light-years.

It was one of the first globular clusters to be carefully studied first by Harlow Shapley in 1930.

M22 is very unusual in that it is one of only four globulars (the others being M15, NGC 6441 and Palomar 6) that are known to contain a planetary nebula.



Messier 22 (NGC 6656), Giuseppe Donatiello