Contains:  Solar system body or event
Ha - what on earth is "on band"?!, Ed Astle

Ha - what on earth is "on band"?!

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Ha - what on earth is "on band"?!, Ed Astle

Ha - what on earth is "on band"?!

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Douglas over on Solar Chat kindly posted a sequence of SHG images approaching then receding from "on band".
I ran each through GIMP to display a histogram.

Essentially the tightest histogram is the best.

Dougs' "bang on" is middle row, middle sun [row 2 column 3]

Thank you Douglas!

I hope this may give guidance as to what "on band" looks like.
We are all neophytes at some point and have no idea what "on band" actually looks like or means.

All credits to Doug and his expertise.
