Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  19 Sco  ·  20 Sco)  ·  21 Sco)  ·  22 Sco  ·  23 Sco)  ·  5 Oph  ·  Al Niyat (σ Sco  ·  Al Niyat (τ Sco  ·  Alniyat I  ·  Cor Scorpii  ·  IC 4603  ·  IC 4604  ·  IC 4605  ·  Kalb al Akrab (α Sco  ·  M 4  ·  NGC 6121  ·  Part of the constellation Scorpius (Sco)  ·  The star 25 Sco  ·  The star Alniyat  ·  The star Alniyat II  ·  The star Antares  ·  The star i Sco  ·  The star ο Sco  ·  The star ρ Oph  ·  Vespertilio  ·  rho Oph Nebula
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex, John Willsund
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
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Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex, John Willsund
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
Powered byPixInsight

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex



Acquisition details



I think I've processed this ten times or more now from the ground up, not happy with the result until the later iterations, and excited to finally have this version that I'm sufficiently happy with!
I could spend some more time on this to get some better coverage in the Ha region at the bottom of the image, but for now I'm happy to share this version.

ZWO ASI2600MC Pro, Rokinon 135mm, HEQ5 Pro mount
70 x 300s frames
Stacking: AstroPixelProcessor
Processing: PixInsight + NoiseXterminator, StarXterminator, BlurXterminator


Sky plot

Sky plot


Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex, John Willsund

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