Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  Solar system body or event
Comet 2023 A3 from Barcelona region, Aleix Roig
Comet 2023 A3 from Barcelona region
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Comet 2023 A3 from Barcelona region, Aleix Roig
Comet 2023 A3 from Barcelona region
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Acquisition details



Is it possible to see the Comet C/2023 A3 from the Barcelona region?  The night of the Sunday 13th of October 2024 we drove almost 100km from our home dark sky in Prades in order to see the comet for the first time. Close to Barcelona city we found a hill, close to the Turó de l'Avellana summit (717 m above sea level), high enough to see the comet above the central mountain ranges of central Catalonia (Serra de Miralles among others).

The image shown is the result of a stacked image and the landscape image, both captured the same night within minutes of delay. 


Comet: 10" image 400ISO f/2.0 tracked 18:29 UTC
Landscape: 0.8" 2500ISO f/6.3 17:57 UTC

Aleix Roig, Prades 16th October 2024


Sky plot

Sky plot


Comet 2023 A3 from Barcelona region, Aleix Roig

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