Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6357  ·  the War and Peace Nebula
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic, Ferrante Enriques
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic
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NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic

NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic, Ferrante Enriques
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic
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NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic



Acquisition details



Last year I imaged the same target with a single panel but there was a lot more left out of the frame.
At my focal length two panels allow to better frame the whole nebula.
Total exposure per channel of both panels:
Ha 18hrs
SII 22hrs
Oiii 22hrs

From Constellation Guide an interesting description of the object:
"The Lobster Nebula is a large emission nebula located approximately 5,900 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. The nebula hosts several massive young star clusters and is one of the most prominent star-forming regions in the southern sky. The diffuse nebula is also known as the War and Peace Nebula. It has the designation NGC 6357 in the New General Catalogue.
NGC 6357 hosts an intricate mosaic of dark dust, gas, and protostars still embedded in their birth disks of gas. The newborn stars are invisible in optical wavelengths but show up as bright dots in the infrared band.
The nebula contains many unusually massive stars whose interstellar winds, powerful magnetic fields, gravity, and radiation pressures are carving complex structures in the surrounding dust and gas. The hot, luminous O-type stars are the main ionizing source in the area."


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula Mosaic, Ferrante Enriques