Gary Imm



A backyard amateur astrophotographer enjoying retirement with my wife on beautiful Lake Livingston in Onalaska, Texas, about 90 minutes north of Houston. I have published 6 books on Amazon under the Imm Astrophotography Series.

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Kohoutek PN Catalog (24) A collection by Gary Imm

This catalog contains PN discovered by the Czech astronomer Dr. Luboš Kohoutek. Dr. Kohoutek discovered over 300 new PNe over his lifetime, many of which now bear his name. The 1500 objects in his catalogue are numbered according to the publication order that they appeared, so the catalog consists of objects designated K 1-xx, K 2-xx, and K 3-xx (up to K 6-xx) corresponding to their discovery publication. The larger, brighter and more interesting objects are generally from the first (1-xx) published series of objects. As the list progresses to 2-xx, 3-xx, and beyond, the objects become smaller, more faint and more challenging to image.

Images in this collection Parent collection:  PN Catalogs

The following images do not have the key/value tag chosen to order this collection, so they are shown as unsorted here.