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2016.05.09 Sun AR2542 H-Alpha...20330
Mercury transit - first contact (H-alpha) - 09.05.2016...1147178
Plasma shower animation...84655
Jupiter and moons...17030
AR2526 20160329...21133
MOON - Mare Serenitatis • Montes Caucasus • Linne • Aristillus • Valentine Dome...32652
Double shadow of the Jupiter moons...51333
Abell 13 (PK 204.0-08.5) in Orion and a iridium flare...1095108
Juptiter Ganymed and Io - Animation...614115
NGC 7331 & Stephans Quintet...44723637
NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula...20232438
2015.11.07 Sun AR2443 H-Alpha...22910
Plato and Ancient Newton...31112
Saturn in September....51723
AR2418 on September 17th...13412
Lightning under Corona Australis...27954
Copernicus Sunrise...11115
Moon overpass // 3...16244
IC5146 - Cocoon Nebula DSW Test data...14191910
NGC 5866, the Spindle Galaxy...70542
Jupiter and Europa transit...53496
Sun in H-alpha...713106
First Light Borg 125 Test shot (Now with flats & old 101 RGB data - Finished!)...32753367