The Image Index is a system based on likes received on images, that incentivizes the most active and liked members of the community. Learn more.
The Contribution Index (beta) is system to reward informative, constructive, and valuable commentary on AstroBin. Learn more.
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Please note: The following tables are updated every 24 hours.
Distinct awarded users | Total awarded images | |
Image of the day | ||
Top picks | ||
Top pick nominations |
Image of the day | Top pick | Top pick nominations | Total submitted | |
Deep sky | ||||
Solar system | ||||
Extremely wide field | ||||
Star trails | ||||
Northern lights | ||||
Noctilucent clouds | ||||
Landscape | ||||
Artificial satellite |
Image of the day | Top pick | Top pick nominations | Total submitted | |
Backyard | ||||
Traveller | ||||
Own remote observatory | ||||
Amateur hosting facility | ||||
Public amaeteur data | ||||
Professional, scientific grade data | ||||
Mix of multiple sources | ||||
Other | ||||
Unknown |
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