M82 - Cigar Galaxy, Jamie Chang

M82 - Cigar Galaxy

M82 - Cigar Galaxy, Jamie Chang

M82 - Cigar Galaxy



Acquisition details



This striking image of the M82 Cigar Galaxy showcases the exceptional capabilities of the Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) located at the Lulin Observatory in Taiwan. M82, also known as the Cigar Galaxy, is a captivating starburst galaxy located approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.

In this vivid capture, the elongated shape of M82, reminiscent of a cigar, is easily discernible, giving the galaxy its famous moniker. The vibrant colors reveal the galaxy's active star-forming regions, where intense stellar winds and supernova explosions have sculpted the intricate filaments of glowing gas and dust visible throughout the image. The reddish hue (bipolar outflow) emanating from the central region of M82 is caused by ionized hydrogen gas, driven by the stellar winds and supernova explosions occurring within the galaxy.

The high-resolution image provided by the Lulin's 1-meter telescope has allowed astronomers to study the detailed structure of M82, offering invaluable insights into the processes driving this remarkable starburst galaxy. The Cigar Galaxy's proximity to our own Milky Way makes it an ideal cosmic laboratory for researchers to investigate the complex interplay between star formation, galactic winds, and the evolution of galaxies.



M82 - Cigar Galaxy, Jamie Chang