Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cancer (Cnc)
Arp 58, Gary Imm
Arp 58, Gary Imm

Arp 58

Arp 58, Gary Imm
Arp 58, Gary Imm

Arp 58



Acquisition details



This object, also known as UGC 4457, is a very small (to our view) spiral galaxy located about 0.5 billion light years away in the constellation of Cancer at a declination of +19 degrees. This galaxy spans 1 arc-minute in our apparent view, which corresponds to an actual diameter of 150,000 light years for the galaxy itself. The star streams extend much longer.

This object was classified by Arp as a spiral with a small high surface brightness companion. The object immediately below this galaxy is a star, but just left and below the star is a companion galaxy, 2MASS J08320053+1912058. This companion galaxy has a bright core which is an active nucleus.

My favorite part of the image is the extended star stream on the right side of the main galaxy, which appears to be as long as both galaxies on the left. The structure of the faint galaxy in the upper right corner of the image is interesting.

There is a fascinating similarity between this object and the larger Arp 82. Both have a small bright companion at the end of one arm, with the opposite arm having an extended star stream.
