Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  IC 1274  ·  IC 4684  ·  IC 4685  ·  NGC 6559
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO, Martin Dowd
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO
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NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO

NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO, Martin Dowd
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO
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NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO



Acquisition details



The nights have been cloudy for 2 weeks since returning from a trip so decided to reprocess NGC 6559 which was captured back in September and posted as an SHO version. 
This time I processed a Bi colour HOO version which ended up having a higher noise floor to work with due to my noisy Oiii data. Capturing Oiii data under B8 skies and a moon around is not pretty , faint signal and lots of noise. 
Anyway pushed the detail as far as I wanted to whilst balancing the fine noise grain. 
Happy with the detail and contrast through the central core region

Same deal ……
B8 skies
Conditions poor to average ( some high cloud around ) 
Moon around 
8”f5 Carbon Newt
EQ6-R pro mount
ZWO 2600MM with Antlia 3nm filters
3 minute dithered subs Gain 100 , -10C 
12 hours of integration 
Flats , Darks , Flat Darks 
EQMOD , Stellarium, APT, PHD2 
Startools V1.8 via Compose , Colour HOO preset with tweaks 

Thanks for looking 

Comments welcome 



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in HOO, Martin Dowd