Contains:  Solar system body or event
H-alpha sun details on May 15th 2022, Tommi R

H-alpha sun details on May 15th 2022

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
H-alpha sun details on May 15th 2022, Tommi R

H-alpha sun details on May 15th 2022

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Seeing was really bad today and it was hard to focus but I managed to get a few videos. This represents the best data I could get. Due to issues with a new ssd drive (and my old laptop from 2013) the frame rate was lower than usual. This was a 60 sec acquisition with 6.5 ms and gain of 125 (31 %) in Firecapture. Total of 400 best frames were stacked out of 7661 frames.
