Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  18 Cas)  ·  18 alf Cas  ·  24 Cas)  ·  24 eta Cas  ·  26 Cas  ·  26 ups01 Cas  ·  27 Cas)  ·  27 gam Cas  ·  28 Cas)  ·  28 ups02 Cas  ·  34 Cas  ·  34 phi Cas  ·  Achird  ·  Cassiopeia  ·  HD2291  ·  HD232252  ·  HD232283  ·  HD236419  ·  HD236427  ·  HD236429  ·  HD236433  ·  HD236436  ·  HD236439  ·  HD236450  ·  HD236463  ·  HD236469  ·  HD236471  ·  HD236479  ·  HD236480  ·  HD236490  ·  And 198 more.
The Breaking Wave Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman Nebulae - Samyang135 ASI2600mc Askar200QHY600mm, Dave Boddington
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The Breaking Wave Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman Nebulae - Samyang135 ASI2600mc Askar200QHY600mm

The Breaking Wave Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman Nebulae - Samyang135 ASI2600mc Askar200QHY600mm, Dave Boddington
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The Breaking Wave Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman Nebulae - Samyang135 ASI2600mc Askar200QHY600mm



Acquisition details



Wide field shot of Alpha and Gamma Cassiopeia, The Pacman, Breaking Wave and Ghost of Cassiopeia Nebulae and open Cluster M103. Samynag135ASI2600 for RGB, Askar200QHY600 for Ha. 2.5 hrs on each from Sunday night before the clouds rolled in plus some higher res data overlaid lightly to enhance the Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman. Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop using the Croman tools


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Breaking Wave Ghost of Cassiopeia and Pacman Nebulae - Samyang135 ASI2600mc Askar200QHY600mm, Dave Boddington

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