Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  16 Tau  ·  17 Tau  ·  18 Tau  ·  19 Tau)  ·  19 q Tau  ·  20 Tau  ·  21 Tau  ·  22 Tau  ·  23 Tau  ·  24 Tau  ·  25 Tau)  ·  25 eta Tau  ·  26 Tau  ·  27 Tau  ·  28 Tau  ·  Alcyone  ·  Asterope  ·  Atlas  ·  Barnard's Merope Nebula  ·  Celaeno  ·  Electra  ·  HD23061  ·  HD23155  ·  HD23156  ·  HD23157  ·  HD23158  ·  HD23171  ·  HD23194  ·  HD23246  ·  HD23247  ·  And 98 more.
Deep image of M45 Pleiades cluster, Nik Szymanek
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Deep image of M45 Pleiades cluster

Deep image of M45 Pleiades cluster, Nik Szymanek
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Deep image of M45 Pleiades cluster



Acquisition details



Deep LRGB image of the Pleiades cluster. 
L: 250 x 300s
R: 101 x 300s
G: 52 x 300s
B: 182 x 300s
48.7 hours total shot between 01-11-22 and 29-11-22
IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Deep image of M45 Pleiades cluster, Nik Szymanek