Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)  ·  Contains:  NGC 253  ·  Sculptor Filament  ·  Sculptor galaxy  ·  Silver Coin
Sculptor Galaxy, Jeff Coldrey
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Sculptor Galaxy

Sculptor Galaxy, Jeff Coldrey
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Sculptor Galaxy



Acquisition details



Clouds, wind and moon have collectively conspired against me lately. But winter has just ended here, so prospects for starry nights are looking up!

This is a reprocess of 2018 colour data from an ASI183mc, blended with Ha subs captured under a silvery moon last weekend. Have improved from my 2018 efforts when the PixInsight training wheels were new squeaking loudly, but still need to capture some luminance data when opportunity permits to improve resolution in the dust lanes.

NGC 253 in Sculptor is the 5th brightest galaxy in the sky at magnitude 7.6, and is reputed to be one of the dustiest galaxies known (Chadwick/Cooper - Imaging the Southern Sky).

Hope everyone is keeping well.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sculptor Galaxy, Jeff Coldrey