Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1245  ·  Part of the constellation Perseus (Per)  ·  The star 29Per  ·  The star 31Per  ·  The star 32Per  ·  The star 34Per  ·  The star Mirfak (αPer)  ·  The star δPer  ·  The star κPer  ·  The star νPer  ·  The star σPer  ·  The star ψPer
Alpha Persei Cluster-  an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus, Bill
Alpha Persei Cluster-  an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus
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Alpha Persei Cluster- an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus

Alpha Persei Cluster-  an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus, Bill
Alpha Persei Cluster-  an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus
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Alpha Persei Cluster- an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus



Acquisition details



The Alpha Persei Cluster, also known as Melotte 20, is an open moving cluster in the constellation of Perseus. At a dark site, it can be seen with the naked eye as several blue stars around the white-yellow supergiant Mirfak (Alpha Persei). The age of the cluster is about 50-60 million years and lies at a distance of 600 light years.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Alpha Persei Cluster-  an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus, Bill

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