Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  14 Aur  ·  16 Aur  ·  17 AR Aur  ·  18 Aur  ·  19 Aur  ·  24 phi Aur  ·  25 chi Aur  ·  AE Aur  ·  Flaming Star Nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  IC 410  ·  IC 417  ·  M 38  ·  NGC 1893  ·  NGC 1907  ·  NGC 1912  ·  NGC 1931  ·  PK172+00.1  ·  Sh2-229  ·  Sh2-230  ·  Sh2-234  ·  Sh2-236  ·  Sh2-237  ·  The star 14Aur  ·  The star 16Aur  ·  The star 19Aur  ·  The star φAur  ·  The star χAur  ·  VdB39
Elvis Nostalgia in Auriga, Jeff Coldrey
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Elvis Nostalgia in Auriga

Elvis Nostalgia in Auriga, Jeff Coldrey
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Elvis Nostalgia in Auriga



Acquisition details



It's been a couple of months since posting my last image, but the arrival of spring down-under and an upgrade of my ancient imaging PC has the cosmos pulling me back in.

This widefield includes an assortment of emission nebulae and clusters in the northern constellation of Auriga, an unfamiliar reign for me.

To the right is the Flaming Star Nebula (Sh2-229, IC405), lit by the variable "runaway" star AE Auriga. Researching this nebula had the side benefit of stumbling upon a long forgotten Elvis song and movie!

Just below centre is the Tadpole Nebula (Sh2-236, IC410) which is beautifully depicted in many narrowband images on AstroBin. An assortment of other catalogued nebulae and clusters span this field, including the open cluster Messier 38 to the upper left.

Wishing everyone clear vaccinated skies!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Elvis Nostalgia in Auriga, Jeff Coldrey