LDN 1082 - The Seahorse Nebula Starless, Mustafa Aydın

LDN 1082 - The Seahorse Nebula Starless

LDN 1082 - The Seahorse Nebula Starless, Mustafa Aydın

LDN 1082 - The Seahorse Nebula Starless



Acquisition details



=bodyBarnard 150 is a dark nebula visible in the Cepheus constellation. It is also known as the Seahorse Nebula due to its shape, it lies at about 1200 Light Years away.

Equipment & Exif
Meade 70mm Astrograph Quadruplet APO Refractor Telescope
Nikon D5300
Agena StarGuider 50mm Guide Scope
Zwo Asi 120 mc-s Guide Camera
Orion Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G Mount
Primalucelab Vixen Style Dovetail & Front Weight
Bortle 3 Sky Topuklu Yaylası Beyağaç Denizli

Data from 3 nights in a row total of 17 hours and 30 minutes of
65x300 seconds light
72x300 seconds light
73x300 seconds light
30 darks each night
50 bias each night
ISO 1600

Stacked and Post Processed in Pixinsight 1.8.9-1 and Adobe Photoshop



LDN 1082 - The Seahorse Nebula Starless, Mustafa Aydın

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