Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  Sh2-136  ·  VdB141
vdB 141 -  The Ghost Nebula (LRGB), Frank Breslawski
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vdB 141 - The Ghost Nebula (LRGB)

vdB 141 -  The Ghost Nebula (LRGB), Frank Breslawski
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vdB 141 - The Ghost Nebula (LRGB)



Acquisition details



Just in time for the new year there is something creepy! :-) vdB 141 or the Ghost Nebula are part of CB 230 (or L1177) - a molecular cloud in the western part of the constellation Cepheus. It belongs to the "Cepheus Flare Region", a large complex of molecular clouds in the Milky Way. At its eastern edge, the cloud contains a globule with several infrared sources, which are protostars, as well as an associated jet. The designation CB 230 is derived from a 1988 catalogue by Dan P. Clemens and Richard Barvainis.

The globule is closely followed by a bright region of the molecular cloud, which contains a star that was catalogued as Reflection Nebula vdB 141 by Sidney van den Bergh in 1966 due to its nebulous appearance. Further west there are pillar-like structures whose appearance is reminding of ghosts. Because of these formations, the nebula is occasionally given names such as "Spooky Nebula", "The Ghosts of Cepheus" or similar.


Sky plot

Sky plot


vdB 141 -  The Ghost Nebula (LRGB), Frank Breslawski