Arp 143 - new Hubble image!, Leo Shatz

Arp 143 - new Hubble image!

Arp 143 - new Hubble image!, Leo Shatz

Arp 143 - new Hubble image!



Acquisition details



The Ring Galaxy System Arp 143 is a pair of colliding galaxies in the constellation of Lynx about 184 million light-years distant. Both galaxies are about 75,000 light years in diameter. The pair was discovered by Edouard Stephan on January 18, 1877.

The red galaxy, NGC 2444, is classified as S0 pec while the blue one, NGC 2445 is an irregular of the Magellan type. It may have had some other structure prior to being torn apart by the much denser NGC 2444. NGC 2445 is packed with very blue star clusters in HII regions.

Image credits: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Christopher Britt
Processing & copyright: Leo Shatz

Text sources:
Wikipedia, catalogue of astronomical objects by Rick Johnson



Arp 143 - new Hubble image!, Leo Shatz