Contains:  Extremely wide field
Where roads meet, Chris-Alexander N. Lunder

Where roads meet

Where roads meet, Chris-Alexander N. Lunder

Where roads meet



Acquisition details



My favorite shot of 2022 Looks like a conductor on the top of the hill, conducting a colorful symphony

This was quite the ordeal to capture, but well worth it. The image is taken in a remote location of the Faroe Islands, Kalsoy, near the Kallur Lighthouse. These islands are just amazing! Steep sea cliffs and mountains rising straight out of the ocean. With lots of bortle 2 skies And also some horrendous weather This night was no exception with heavy gusting winds and massive rain showers. Making long exposures somewhat of a challenge. After guying down the tripod, and donating my shell jacket as rain cover I had run up the hill (many times) to beat the timer. I was originally after a Milky Way shot, so the aurora came as a happy surprise. But what is hours of hiking in mud and rain when you get what you want 



Where roads meet, Chris-Alexander N. Lunder