A Tangled Web - NGC 2070, Jeff Coldrey

A Tangled Web - NGC 2070

A Tangled Web - NGC 2070, Jeff Coldrey

A Tangled Web - NGC 2070



Acquisition details



Tarantulas are large, hairy and grotesquely beautiful creatures. They tend to live long creepy lives (up to 40 years), and many species ordain their environments with complex sheets and tubes of silken web.

This is the largest and most violent star forming region known in the whole Local Group of galaxies. Intense radiation, stellar winds and supernova shocks energize the nebula glow and shape the spidery filaments. If only 1,270 light years way away like the Orion Nebula, NGC 2070 would take up around 30 degrees of the sky, and this field would cover almost half of the sky.

In this HOO image I have attempted to show the complexity of the silken like nebulosity, with a hint of RGB stars blended in from a previous image. It is also first light for a recently purchased Starizona Apex 0.65 focal reducer, reducing the normally f/7 Esprit 120 refractor to around f/4.5.

Thanks for looking, and clear skies.



A Tangled Web - NGC 2070, Jeff Coldrey