Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  NGC 5139  ·  NGC 5156  ·  Omega Centauri
NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus, Luiz Ricardo Silveira
NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus
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NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus

NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus, Luiz Ricardo Silveira
NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus
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NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus



Acquisition details



NGC 5139, THE MONSTER of Omega Centauri

Almost 3 hours on this photo of the most incredible globular cluster in the Milky Way (Hey M13, please don't cry).

In addition to the cluster and some mini-galaxies (Mini in apparent size, not absolute. 😅), I believe I managed to capture Galactic Cirrus (IFN, Integrated Flux Nebula), on the bottom left! Super tenuous, but I think it's there.

So, do you prefer Omega Centauri or the Hercules Cluster?


169x60s, ISO 1600

149 flats, 150 bias, 50 darks

CEM25P, Long Perng 66mm f6, Optolong L-PRO, modified Canon T6i.

Bortle 6


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri and the Galactic Cirrus, Luiz Ricardo Silveira