Dumbbell Nebula, Josh Putnam

Dumbbell Nebula

Dumbbell Nebula, Josh Putnam

Dumbbell Nebula



Acquisition details



After several years, I was still wanting more. I learned more about the hobby, and came to the realization that a SCT, like other models of high end telescopes, was a specialized piece of equipment, and one I didn't enjoy using. I decided to switch to a large dob - a light bucket. I went up to 12" in aperture and bought a new, collapsible GoTo Dobsonian, and a dedicated astrophotography camera.

One of the first DSOs I attempted to capture with my new telescope. This scope's remarkable mirror and sub 5 Focal Ratio allowed me to come away with a clean and colorful image after just a 30 second exposure, which is about the maximum limit for my Dob. Maybe someday I'll get an EQ Platform if I'm lucky. For now I'll take this as an early success given the equipment I have. It is a bright and easy target, being the first Nebula ever discovered by Charles Messier, in 1764. It's progenitor White Dwarf star visible directly in the center is among the largest white dwarfs ever discovered. It began shedding its outer layers 9,800 years ago.



Dumbbell Nebula, Josh Putnam