[RCC] Orion Nebula - M42 Requests for constructive critique · Luke-Official · ... · 7 · 560 · 0

Luke-Official 0.00
·  1 like
Hello everyone,

I am very new to AP and just got my first chance in a few months to get my first good image. I decided to go for the Orion nebula because I heard it was pretty easy to photograph. As it turned out it wasn't too bad to image and even with a little under 2 hours of exposure I still got a great image - at least for my standarts .

I followed a rather easy tutorial on processing images and here is everything that I did:

Stacking was done by Siril
Crop to right size
Background extraction (with dither)
Photometric color calibration
remove green noise
StarNet Star removal

Asinh transformation
Histogram transformation
adjusting color saturation
in photoshop: adjusting image with camera raw filter

Star recomposition - adjusting starmask 

Is there anything that you would implement in my processing to get a little bit more out of my data?

Here is my final image of M42 (Bortle 4 sky): https://www.astrobin.com/q47d38/

thank you!

krags711 2.41
I suppose getting a longer exposure would help and combining it with this one would bring out more detail but it looks really good for the amount of time you took it. It's about the only nebula I can see in this apartment complex here with a 4 inch refractor and image. The biggest leap mine took was going to the mountains around here to a dark sky site but I got more out of it in 15 minutes than 2 hours here but it was really cold out there in the mountains and the winds picked so I decided to leave there after getting 15 minutes of better pics out there than here in this light polluted place. Mine doesn't look that good yet.
GregBock 0.00
Hi Luke, 
good move to ask questions here, its the best way to learn.
The first thing to improve is your focusing....there's no point spending time on processing if its not focussed well in the first place.
Your image is not focused, so concentrate on that first and you will be rewarded much more than any processign tips!
have fun!
I'm looking forward to your next one with better focus!!!
Die_Launische_Diva 11.14
Hello Luke,

This is a great first image!

As others have said so far, you need better focusing and some more integration time (which is hard to get, I know...). In principle, green noise removal should be avoided since any green tint should be treated with photometric color calibration and proper gradient removal. If you just have some fine-grained green pixels (as noise) it can be treated with a standard denoising algorithm. So try to keep green noise removal as a last resort, probably for the end of your processing.
Menelaos 0.00
Hey buddy. I’m new to the hobby as well so I know the struggle. What you need is propably a more experienced opinion but I will share mine as well. It looks to me like you knew when to stop editing which is very good it’s something I’m having trouble doing. More integration time will definitely bring out more details and you can brighten the background a little bit more without bringing out too much noise.
dkamen 6.89
Die Launische Diva:
Hello Luke,

This is a great first image!

As others have said so far, you need better focusing and some more integration time (which is hard to get, I know...). In principle, green noise removal should be avoided since any green tint should be treated with photometric color calibration and proper gradient removal. If you just have some fine-grained green pixels (as noise) it can be treated with a standard denoising algorithm. So try to keep green noise removal as a last resort, probably for the end of your processing.

Hi Diva,

Since you mentioned it: I am leaning more and more towards the conclusion that after you remove gradients, correct colors and neutralise background, most things genuinely are greener than expected.  And everybody spends a lot of time suppressing green because everybody else does and that's how things are expected to look. At least I know I do

RichardGifford 0.00
Hi, lovely image.  I followed the exact same process you did  - did you watch the Deep space astro tuition on you tube?

The only additional step I do is to touch up and adjust a little in Adobe Lightroom

CSChurch14 0.90
I too am new and imaged M42 this year...you an see my results under my name if interested to compare (I blew out the trapezium...you did not...great job!)

All I wanted to do is say great job and offer encouragement.  This is a ridiculously hard craft to learn and (hopefully someday) master.  Your first attempt looks really good!

Keep at it....more repetitions (and both capture and processing) is my ultimate goal...to keep learning.


Edited ...
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