(RCC) Why my capture is not enough good ? Requests for constructive critique · Werny Michael · ... · 34 · 1867 · 3

Die_Launische_Diva 11.14
Pedro A. Sampaio:
But by increasing saturation, you also increase the difference in the colors in each part of the image. If your background is not properly neutral (and your image properly color corrected), any small difference in color will become by the end of your process. I know I've struggled quited a few times with this issue - and it's sometimes very frustrating because you only notice at the end.


And that specific part of the sky is extremely complex thus requiring extra care with gradient modelling:



And a proper gradient modelling always starts with a very good flat correction...

It is not just a matter of expensive equipment.
Mikedoo 0.90
Pedro A. Sampaio:
If I may chime in....

How much did you adjust with curves? Specifically, how much increase in saturation did you do? Specially for those kind of targets, we want to "bring the colors out" by increasing the saturation, sometimes by a lot. But by increasing saturation, you also increase the difference in the colors in each part of the image. If your background is not properly neutral (and your image properly color corrected), any small difference in color will become by the end of your process. I know I've struggled quited a few times with this issue - and it's sometimes very frustrating because you only notice at the end. Some very meticulous curves adjustments can sometimes alleviate the issue,  but the ideal is to not have it at alll.

In regards to star removal techniques, that's an interesting topic as well. After the arrival os BlurX and GHS, I've found myself using less and less star removal (be it Starnet ou StarX). I think that star removal more often than not just introduces more artifacts than it helps overall. And with BlurX I can do proper deconvolution and star reduction at the linear state with minimal to no artifacts, and with GHS and proper curve adjustments, I can stretch the image while protecting the highlights (i.e. stars are not blown out).

In the end, I find that it unless I'm aiming for a starless image (which I never did until today), the most I use StarX during the linear process is to "see" what kind of data I have before stretching - i.e. STF tends to blow up stars, and sometimes having a separate image without stars is useful to see what is nebulosity, etc. I still just work on the regular image though.

Thank you for your response, I don't use GHS yet. I think the real answer is that I need to improve!
Semper_Iuvenis 2.10
Your image is very good but you'll never compete with the bought images usually selected.  Please yourself with your gear and be proud of the fact you can set up a telescope for a nights imaging.  A lot of the image processors can't or they use professional university telescopes they don't own or control.
WhooptieDo 9.82
Monty Chandler:
Your image is very good but you'll never compete with the bought images usually selected.  Please yourself with your gear and be proud of the fact you can set up a telescope for a nights imaging.  A lot of the image processors can't or they use professional university telescopes they don't own or control.

Bought images?  Processors can't set up a telescope for a nights imaging?  Can you please clarify?
Tackettbr 4.19
Hi Michael 

Having imaged with the RASA8 with the past 3 years, I too have experienced this challenges with the powerful yet challenging F2 set up.

My first impression of the image is similar to other before regarding the gradient that is quite pronounced and some green and purple saturation issues..  Over the last several years, I have used approaches with DBE ( I found Adam Block's approaches to me has been most helpful) and ABE. Especially with the rasa and dark nebulosity in this type of image, I use ABE subtraction with 0 or 1 degree compared to the default 2 degree order. Recently, I have also used GraXpert too in my work flow when it works well for a given image, but it has not the been the case for certain dark targets. With that said, your second edit looks to have improved this gradient, but somewhat at the loss  of image depth. 

SemiPro makes a good point about exposure time and approximately bortle scale.  3 min for the RASA and my 294 MC has been the correct balance of file number, exposure time in context of overall integration. 

As for stars, it look appears to that you are using a cable management device to route the cords. This has its own challenges as I find it makes the stars edge more blurry than the cables at 90 degrees which yield diffractions spikes.

I am not sure your process order with SPCC, but if you change the stars (BlurXterminator or other deconvultion  approach) or stretch the image differently not after immediately completing the linked STF   or GHS  stretch after SPCC. This will change your image  to a non GAIA representation.  This also includes if you are using any denoise strategy in the non linear state after CC. In my work flow, I transfer the STF after SPCC to HistoTransformation immediately, then  complete my linear processing and use the transferred STF. 

Additionally, I have recently been stretching a starless image post starX with large overlap and then using GHS on a copied image to stretch the stars not as aggressively. Then remove said stars from the GHS stretch and add them back to the starless image after non linear processing. 

The other problem I have run into with the RASA on dark nebula involves a red magenta cast to the background even after SPCC. My attempt to limit this appearance in the non linear state is invert the image, apply SCRN between 20-50 percent, and then invert the image back to its state. This works as the magenta is opposite green on the color wheel and is the same process I use to remove magenta stars in NB images. Yet, if you are too aggressive it can lead to removal of Ha signal. 

Hope that helps and makes sense. I have looked through your gallery and your work looks great. This great hobby is a fun adventure for sure. 

Below is my recent version of the same area with my RASA 8 and 294MC.  I did not  send it to IOTD consideration due to a satellite trail I missed and I felt the image was flatter than I would have hoped.  Still a lot of fun with the RASA and 5 hours of integration. My 2600 mc pro arrived 3 weeks ago, so I am excited to put it to use when the 3 weeks of clouds lift here in the central US. You gallery will be helpful to frame my future projects. 

IC 348, Barnard 3, 4, and 5

Best of Luck!  -Brandon
aabosarah 7.12
I am not sure your process order with SPCC, but if you change the stars (BlurXterminator or other deconvultion  approach) or stretch the image differently not after immediately completing the linked STF   or GHS  stretch after SPCC. This will change your image  to a non GAIA representation.  This also includes if you are using any denoise strategy in the non linear state after CC. In my work flow, I transfer the STF after SPCC to HistoTransformation immediately, then  complete my linear processing and use the transferred STF.

That's an interesting idea, to save the STF setting immediately after SPCC. Never thought about doing that. I have generally stretched with GHS manually, but I like that idea. 

BTW with the most recent BlurX update, the developer does recommend using the "correct only" function on the image in the linear state before SPCC as it seems to have yielded better results, and then use Blurx after SPCC as you would.
Mikedoo 0.90
·  1 like
Thanks for the tip !!

next photo, I apply your advice !

Clear skies
Tackettbr 4.19
·  1 like
@Ashraf AbuSara

Yes, I saw that recommendation from Russell Croman regarding correction prior to spcc. My standard work flow involves crop, then blur x correction, dbe/abe/graxpert, spcc, then blurx, starx ,and then noise x all in the linear state. I will stetch a star image with GHS and sometimes adjust the the starless image in GHS.
Astro-Tafelberg 3.34
·  1 like
Good Morning!

1) not a very "attractive" region
2) technical issues - as expected from a RASA image, lots of stars distorsion (if you don't cut off much of the outer parts what many RASA users do to hide that)
3) ...

best regards
Mikedoo 0.90
·  1 like
Thanks for the advice... here is my final version... I don't think I'll touch it again.

Clear Skies

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