LRGB-Combination in Pixinsight Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Johannes Möslein · ... · 27 · 1798 · 0

p0laris 0.00
What worked for me on recent images:
  • WBPP to calibrate/register/integrate/autocrop channels

Process L, R, G, B and Ha individually:
  • Background extraction (in my case ‘division’ as flats weren’t correcting 100%)
  • BXT
  • EZ denoise script with ‘minimal required settings’ (you’ll need to experiment)

  • Create RGB master
  • Use LRGBCombination to add L to RGB
  • Use NBRGB Combination script to add Ha to LRGB (optional)
  • Use SPCC to calibrate colors

  • Stretch the image initially using arcsinhstretch (to retain color)
  • Stretch image using histogram stretch to stretch further

  • Adjust curves / hue / saturation using application of choice (eg: Lightroom)
WhooptieDo 9.82
·  1 like
I think most everything has been covered here... but if I could add my advice.

3:1:1:1 LRGB ratio (i know it's been said before)

Luminance is your detail layer.   RGB is your color.   You can neuter the heck out of your RGB image and regain all the detail back with luminance layer.

Process luminance and RGB seperately.   Add Luminance back into your image after you've stretched both RGB and L.

You don't need to background extract the RGB channels seperately.    Combine RGB then DBE.  Pix performs DBE on each channel seperately.

You can honestly get away with a fairly limited amount of time in RGB, and dump everything into luminance.   For example the image I just finished was 30/30/30 RGB and 165 luminance.
Joo_Astro 1.91
Okay so here's a quick update on how it's going for me so far.

I tried the SuperLum and I like it, so thanks for the tip.
Using the Data for my image of the Wizard, I tried matching the stretch on L and RGB in low, high and median better, and the resulting LRGB looked a lot nicer than what I got before. There are still some places where it didn't look perfect, but a lot of these are where bright stars on the L layer have been, so I'll partially blame it on bad transparency and Light Pollution that night. 

LinearFitting L to the Extracted L of the RGB didn't look good to me on that data, it removed a lot of detail of finer nebulosity.
Nuking the RGB and regaining the detail from L looked fine, but not much difference here.

Next time I'll gather more L and see how that changes things.

Thank you all for the awesome answers. 
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