ASI533MC Pro Cooling Fluctuation! ASI533MC Pro · Maged · ... · 7 · 232 · 0

Maged 0.00
·  1 like
Hello, Coming from DSLR, I Just got an ASI533MC Pro and trying it for the first time.

I'm connecting it to ASIAIR Plus (Both power and USB 3). I set the cooling to -10 C and took the light frames with no issues. 

When I'm taking Flats and Dark Flats I noted that the cooling decreased from -10 going up to +2.5 C then back to -10C again on its own without any input from my side ! I'm connecting the ASIAIR Plus to AC power source through the 12V 5A AC to DC Adapter. 

I took the flats and dark flats using the ASIAIR Plus by adding a new Autorun session for the flats and then another Autorun session for dark flats, which of course requires you to reset the current running Autorun session (but I didn't change the cooling settings at all!) I wanted to know if this fluctuation in cooling is normal? and what could have caused it?


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bronco 1.51
·  1 like
I only see this behavior when the power was disconnected for some reason.
Hi Maged,
I’ve been using ASI533mcp for about three years now and I absolutely enjoy the heck out of it. 
It’s the only dedicated astronomy camera that I’ve owned coming from a Nikon D5300 Ha modded.
I am happy with my results so far especially living in Bortle 6-7 skies. I don’t use an ASI air, but I use NINA and I’ve tried shooting flats and dark flats  at the same temperature as my lights, and I’ve also tried shooting flats and dark flats at ambient temperature and I see absolutely no difference at all.
So, I always shoot flats and dark flats at ambient temperature. 

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Maged 0.00
·  1 like
Hello Jim, 

Totally agree with you, I don’t think that flats and dark flats need cooling. 

But what concerns me is that the camera cooling fluctuated significantly on its own. And still can’t figure out why that happened. 

On many forums people are talking about input power maybe not enough but I think the AC power adapter I use provides the needed power.
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Unfortunately, I know absolutely nothing about an ASI Air, but it sounds like the camera gets its power from a separate 5A power supply.
Strange that the lights ran well and consistently at -10.
Have you tried another power supply?
I know it’s not particularly a good practice, but I use a cheap 5A LED power supply from Amazon ($11) to power the 533, ASI EAF, and the guide camera (ASI120mm mini).
Been using it for years without issue. 
I use a second one to power the mount (HEQ5).
I have a couple of spares just in case.

If the camera temperature runs constant while running lights and varies with flats/dark flats, maybe something is going on with the ASI air?

Maged 0.00
·  1 like
I'm trying to narrow down what caused this but still can't. Most probably its either the power adapter was not providing enough power to support the cooling or when resetting the outrun imaging plan it does something to the cooling steadiness ! 

Thanks for your help Jim
cities-and-skies 0.00
·  1 like
Hi Maged,

I guess this does not help much, but just to let you know we have been using the 533MC Pro for about two years now with ASIAIR Pro (not the plus) and we have not seen this behaviour. The camera gets the power through an adapter and it is connected to the ASIAR through USB, as in your case. What you describe is certainly not normal. But maybe this was just a temporary issue.

CS, Zsolt
Tombee 1.51
I've been using the ASI533 with my Asiair PRO for a long time without these types of problems.

There shouldn't be a problem running the camera power from the AAP but make sure that you are NOT using the PWM-function in the AAP to lower the voltage (like with a dew heater or fan). That will really ruin your day ( sorry I ment night ;) )

And of course it is important that you power source have enough juice to run your rig.

And it is always possible to use separate power sources to try to identify the root cause of your problem...
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