AAP File I/O Problem ZWO ASIAIR PRO USERS · Daniel Erickson · ... · 4 · 59 · 0

derickson 7.42
Greetings Community,

I just ran my new ASIAir for the first time two nights ago. No problems. Last night I went out again, but this time--aside from the constant connectivity problems--my auto run of 90 subs worked fine for the first 11 subs. From subs 12-43 an empty file (0 k) was created. No file was created for subs 44-90 (I don't even know if the subs were taken). I only discovered all this when I checked the thumb drive this morning. No log files were created for the Auto Run last night at all, not even for the files that were correctly written. It is almost as if there were a thumb drive failure...but I don't know for sure.

This leaves me with a few questions:

(1) Once the Auto Run has started, is there any reason (other than to check progress), to continue using the iPad or iPhone? In other words, is a connection between the AAP and other device necessary? Could a lack of connectivity cause this issue?

(2) If not, what could cause this issue where files aren't saved and written to the drive? Advice on how to proceed would be most appreciated!

Thanks for any help you can give and CS to you all!

JO_FR_94 6.49
1) I usually disconnect my iPad for the night and everything runs fine with ASIAIR Pro, it is autonomous.
2) Do you store the image files on USB key given with the Asiair Pro ? Do you connect it on the USB 3 (blue) port ? If not, that may be an issue as the speed of writting may cause a problem... though I guess there is enough buffer memory to allow for lower speed of writting. Last but not least, if not using a usb key (like storing on an SD card) check if it is protected in writting - but I am only speculating...
Hope that helps a bit
derickson 7.42
1) I usually disconnect my iPad for the night and everything runs fine with ASIAIR Pro, it is autonomous.
2) Do you store the image files on USB key given with the Asiair Pro ? Do you connect it on the USB 3 (blue) port ? If not, that may be an issue as the speed of writting may cause a problem... though I guess there is enough buffer memory to allow for lower speed of writting. Last but not least, if not using a usb key (like storing on an SD card) check if it is protected in writting - but I am only speculating...
Hope that helps a bit

Thanks for the response, Jérémie!

(1) Autonomous. Great. I won't fret about whether it's connected for now.
(2) I had it setup to store the images on the USB (3.0) drive included with the package. It was in the USB 3 port. Worked fine the first night. I can't be sure, but it almost seems like a drive failure (unless there really is a true software/firmware I/O problem with this particular AAP).

Raises another question: any problem with reformatting that USB key? Are any of the files on that drive important? Can they all just be deleted (rather than reformat the drive)?


Thanks Jérémie and everyone else who helps!
JO_FR_94 6.49
Daniel Erickson:
1) I usually disconnect my iPad for the night and everything runs fine with ASIAIR Pro, it is autonomous.
2) Do you store the image files on USB key given with the Asiair Pro ? Do you connect it on the USB 3 (blue) port ? If not, that may be an issue as the speed of writting may cause a problem... though I guess there is enough buffer memory to allow for lower speed of writting. Last but not least, if not using a usb key (like storing on an SD card) check if it is protected in writting - but I am only speculating...
Hope that helps a bit

Thanks for the response, Jérémie!

(1) Autonomous. Great. I won't fret about whether it's connected for now.
(2) I had it setup to store the images on the USB (3.0) drive included with the package. It was in the USB 3 port. Worked fine the first night. I can't be sure, but it almost seems like a drive failure (unless there really is a true software/firmware I/O problem with this particular AAP).

Raises another question: any problem with reformatting that USB key? Are any of the files on that drive important? Can they all just be deleted (rather than reformat the drive)?


Thanks Jérémie and everyone else who helps!

I don’t think anything important is on the USB drive : they provide it order to avoid writting on the SD card where the OS is stored (you don’t want to mess with this SD card, I think they don’t provide backup easily... check on internet). So imo you can safely format the USB.
That being said, formatting it will change only the file registry, and won’t solve any physical issue you may have with it.
Do it as a test and then run an auto session for a few hours to check if the subs are not empty files (without the scope, just plug the camera, like for recording darks). If it still doesn’t work, just try another USB key. And if it persists, send back your device to zwo...
astrograndpa 13.23
recently I've noticed disconnect issues then auto reconnect...or not...with my USB drive, cameras and EFW.  not fatal but irritating.  just waiting usually fixes.  I'm thinking is was caused by the last firmware update, will live with it, it will probably go away next update.  kind of how thing go with their updates.
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