What focuser do you use with the C8 Edge HD ? Images from the EdgeHD Series · Rodolphe Goldsztejn · ... · 19 · 475 · 0

rodolgo-outlook 0.90
Back focus is a challenge... Curious about the solutions you found.
NightSkyImager 0.00
I am using a Moonlight Focuser.  The celestron reducer actually fits inside the focuser making back focus easy to manage.   If you intend on using an OAG it gets a little tricky on the 8 inch and  you need a thin OAG to pull it off but I am currently using that setup when I don't have the Hyperstar on.
sjf 0.90
I have an Edge 9.25, so slightly different, but use a Moonlite focuser as well. I agree that OAG is a challenge and I tend to use a separate guide scope as sometimes it is difficult to get a good guide star via OAG at 2350mm
NighttimeskyGuy 2.41
Hi, I’m using the Moonlite focuser  specific for the Edge HD 8. The reducer fits up inside the focuser and this gives you the distance you need. It’s a great design. The Moonlite website is Focuser.com and you can find more details there or you can call and Ron (who is awesome) can walk you through it. I get great autofocus curves so I believe the mechanics are  spot-on.  The one trade off is weight, so check your total weight capacity. You might also have to get a small accessory  counter weight to add to the front of your mounting rail to get balanced in Dec.
I also use the ZWO filter wheel and OAG so I  know there is enough back focus !
One last thing, with this setup you just lock down the rear mirror and no more flop ! I get the same focus HFR before and after a meridian flip.
Best of luck and please let me know how it all turns out for you.
Lead_Weight 0.00
Yep, the Edge Low Profile Moonlite focuser is the one you want. It takes up a fair amount of backspace. But can fit with the ZWO OAG, and cameras. If you need more space, I think Optec has some even narrower focusers which will give you even more backspace. There are even some secondary focus systems, but I think those might only be for the larger Edge scopes.
tim@the-hutchison-family.net 12.30
I have the same setup as Bob. Edge HD 8, Moonlite focuser, ZWO OAG, ZWO EFW, and an ASI1600mm. I use this configuration both with and without the Celestron 0.7 focal reducer. With the 0.7 FR installed, back focus is within 2mm using the 1/4" spacer that comes with the focuser when the focuser is at the center of it's travel. If I remove the 0.7 FR I take out the spacer and again within 1 or 2mm. Works perfectly.

I focus at the start of the night by setting the focuser to the middle of it's travel and focus with the focus knob and a bahtinov mask, making sure that I end with a counter clockwise rotation of the knob (VERY IMPORTANT). Then lock the mirror. From there on the focuser does the rest. Easy peasy.

Happy to answer any questions you may have.

rodolgo-outlook 0.90
·  1 like
Thanks for all your answers.
I ordered  a Moonlite focuser and look forward to receiving it next week.

One point I'm not yet sure of: does it allow being at the recommended back focus distances, ie 105 and 130 mm respectively with or without the FR?
Like Tim, I image with an OAG, but from Moravian, which is calibrated for 55 mm back focus.
tim@the-hutchison-family.net 12.30

The Moonlite focuser consumes between 36.195mm and 49.276mm of back focus from the minimum to the maximum of its travel.  The travel is 13.081mm.  This is with the Celestron 0.7 Focal Reducer installed.  So, with the focal reducer, my imaging train is configured as follows:

Moonlite focuser - 42.7355mm (middle of the travel range)
Extension tube 1/4" (comes with focuser) - 6.35mm
ZWO OAG - 16mm
ZWO Camera adapter ring - 11mm (the black ring that came with your ASI1600 camera. I moved it to the other side of the EFW to help minimize vignetting)
ZWO EFW - 20mm
ZWO ASI1600mm - 6.5mm
Total back focus - 102.5585mm

The additional 3 are taken up in the travel of the focuser.

For use without the focal reducer, Moonlite includes a spacer that is inserted into the focuser in place of the focal reducer.  This spacer consumes an additional 32.04mm of back focus.  So, without the focal reducer, my imaging train is:

Moonlite spacer - 32.04mm
Moonlite focuser - 42.7355mm (middle of the travel range)
Extension tube 1/4" (comes with focuser) - 6.35mm
ZWO OAG - 16mm
ZWO Camera adapter ring - 11mm
ZWO EFW - 20mm
ZWO ASI1600mm - 6.5mm
Total back focus - 134.6255mm

The 1.3mm is taken from the travel of the focuser

The Celestron documentation says the back focus should be 105mm with and 133.35mm without the focal reducer.  When I first began imaging, I set the travel on the focuser to perfectly hit those numbers before doing my first focus of the night.  I did this by calculating the length needed in the travel and, knowing the step size from the motor as 0.00016" = 0.0041mm, calculated the number of steps to bring me to the exact length and set the focuser to that position before the initial focus.  In truth, now I'm lazy and I simply set the focuser to the middle of the travel for both.  Honestly, I can't see any difference.  I'm not sure that 1 or 2 mm is that impactful, but that is just my experience.  I would encourage you to experiment with your imaging train.

I hope you find that helpful.
ODRedwine 1.51
Celestron Focus Motor.
rodolgo-outlook 0.90
·  1 like
Hi  Tim
Many thanks for your explanations.
I just received the focuser and wait for a favorable night to test.
Will report back here afterwards.
Thanks again
nitehawk 0.00
·  1 like
I use a Rigel nStep on the stock focuser. It works great for both prime focus and Hyperstar.

It is also easy to detach so I can use the scope manually.

Update 2023: I only use the rigel for hyperstar.

I have a Moonlight focuser and its simply amazing. No backlash at all due to the crayford design, holds the asi2600+oag+filterwheel easily, and autofocus with Nina and Hocus Focus is fast and accurate.

The thing is rather expensive, but as with most things astrophotography; you get what you pay for.

The next time I get a big refractor, I am definitely getting a Moonlight focuser for it.
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SoDakAstronomyNut 1.43
Celestron Focus Motor.
Supro 3.81
·  1 like
Am I the only one using the ZWO EAF with my EdgeHD8 ? It seems to work well. I never have an issue finding good focus with AF in Nina.
SoDakAstronomyNut 1.43
I was too cheap to get the ZWO EAF. Hehe. I wish now that I had. I hate the Celestron. CS & GB! Kip
Kanadalainen 6.10
·  1 like
To the OP, I have a first gen CL2 Moonlite focuser, its really worth it.  You can adjust your backspacing, get the focus really close with the normal focuser, then lock down the mirror and make minute adjustments with the moonlite.  

SoDakAstronomyNut 1.43
After conversing with the owner of Moonlite I found out the only truly EdgeHD 8 compatible focuser Moonlite makes that fits the 8 with a Celestron 0.7x Focal Reducer is a custom made to order unit that is not available on their website. It costs ~$2300 USD plus shipping and must be ordered via email/phone. The focuser issues with the EdgeHD8 (mirror flop, alignment/binding, non-repeatability) is a frustration I have dealt with for three plus years until I recently switched to a refractor/EAF combo.

I hope to one day use my EdgeHD8 in f/10 mode and just deal with the it's focuser quirks. I would rather use a ZWO EAF because it has finer focus than the ill fitting Celestron unit. The Pegasus EAF has twice the refinement of the ZWO unit.

Search here on AB for an EdgeHD8 with a Moonlight...it'll tell you everything you want to know. They are as rare as a unicorn due to the notoriously tight back focus limits - most folks using Edge's use a 9.25 or bigger. Most are using 11's. Combine $2300 bucks and the money you could make selling an 8 would make a huge dent in the cost of the more common and effective EdgeHD11 that a Moonlite would work so much better.

CS & GB!
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Supro 3.81
·  1 like
I hope to one day use my EdgeHD8 in f/10 mode and just deal with the it's focuser quirks

ironically, I've only been using mine in F10 mode with the EAF. It's certainly not terrible but I'm actually trying to find a reducer. (which is near impossible as well)
javaruck 5.05
I'm using the ZWO EAF paired with a Celestron OAG and ASI174MM mini for my EdgeHD 8. I've been very happy with how everything performs and it's very easy to go back and forth between F7 and F10.
GalacticRAVE 6.02
·  1 like
none, only motorized the stock focuser with am Zwo EAF (Edge11). With a few precautions it delivers good and repeatable results (even got  temperature compensation working)

Dustin_Lee_Astrophotography 0.00
Edge HD 11

F/7 Reducer

Originally had the Celestron Focus Motor installed.

Swapped the CFM for the Prima Luce Labs Esatto 2" Robotic Focuser

Step size change in NINA to achieve proper focus curve after the swap (150 step size w/Celestron Focus Motor to 15,000 step size w/Prima Luce Esatto)

Celestron M68 OAG w/ZWO 120MM mini
Celestron Spacer for OSC 6200 and M68 OAG
ASI 6200 MC Pro

This focuser has incredibly fine focus steps and resolution.  Zero Backlash.

Mirror Locked down and this rig functions consistently well in my remote observatory.
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